A wise man once said you should never listen to the internal thoughts you tell yourself when you are upset or depressed. The thinking behind that is that there are times when humans can be their own worst enemies. During these times, we sometimes tell ourselves things that can be unhealthy.
One such negative is a cognitive distortion. Cognitive distortions are simply ways that our mind convinces us of something
that isn't true. These inaccurate thoughts are usually used to reinforce
negative thinking or emotions — telling ourselves things that sound rational
and accurate, but only serve to keep us feeling bad about ourselves.
Listed below
are fifteen commonly used cognitive distortions.
Personalizing- The process of making
everything about yourself.
Polarizing Thinking- The all or nothing process.
You must be perfect, or you feel like a failure.
Generalizing- Come to a general conclusion
about life from a single incident.
Filtering- Where you notice the details
that support your internal thoughts and feelings while you ignore the contradictory
Assuming- You will assume that you know
why people are acting in certain ways.
Blaming- You hold other people responsible
for your feelings or problems.
Should- Shaming word. It is very important
to accept life as it is, not as it should be.
Acting Out- An Adult Temper Tantrum.
Things are not going your way and you throw a fit.
Projection- When you unconsciously reject
something about yourself.
Displacement- When you feel unable to
directly confront someone who has injured you.
11 Entitlement- You feel that you are owed
12 Compartmentalizing- Used when you do not
want to make a change in your behavior.
13 Denial- Temporarily denying what is
evident currently.
14 Rationalization- Used to avoid feelings of
guilt or shame.
15 Catastrophizing- The process of taking
things to a negative extreme.
WWhich cognitive distortions do you think you are guilty of?
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