Alcohol and Other Drugs and Their Effect On Domestic Violence (Homework Assignment for June 17 & 18)
A majority of the research on alcohol and domestic violence can be summed up in this one statement, "Alcohol and domestic abuse are frequently paired. However, while alcohol is often involved in issues of intimate partner violence it is never the sole reason behind it" ( Attention: Alcohol is never the sole reason behind violence. On the other hand, many people believe that alcohol plays a major role in the violence they have experienced. Some go as far as to blame alcohol for their violence. Whether you are a believer that alcohol causes violence, or you believe that it is not the sole reason for violence, or if you're on the fence about this issue, there are a few questions that need to be considered: A) How does alcohol affect you: Do you tend to talk more and think less? Do you get what is referred to as beer muscles? Have you regretted things you've said or done while intoxicated? Do you drink to calm down? Do you drink