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Showing posts from 2021

China attempts "masculine" mandate

China is changing. A recent article in the NBC network on line addition discussed the case of a 13-year-old boy in Shanghai. Bu Yunhao was being bullied in his middle school, avoided on a class trip, called too girly and made fun of for the pitch of his voice when as class monitor he attempted to perform his duties. He was accused of spending too much time with girls and having alternative agendas when befriending boys. While Yunhao's classmates may have stopped bullying him, the Chinese government recently decided to define masculinity themselves. A recent announcement from the government states the government will “encourage masculinity” primarily by encouraging physical contact such as boxing. Authorities are also condemning pop cultural icons that don’t fit the prescribed mold while critics state they feel the government definition emphasizes what many consider to be outdated and damaging stereotypes for men and boys. According to an articvle published in NBC News "Boy

Accountability is the first step to healing

Accountability - it is a word used a lot these days usually by someone wanting another person to take responsibility for a negative action.   However, in Domestic Violence, accountability has its own purpose.When someone is victimized, the person who perpetrates the victimization often uses blame, minimization and denial to dismiss his actions. As an example, someone might push his partner causing them to fall backward and hit their head.Blame would be saying "You shouldn't have gotten me so angry." Or "you came so close I was just trying to get you out of my space." Minimization is wording such as "you are being too dramatic.  It's only a little bump.  How do I know that bump isn't from something else? And denial would be "I didn't push you, you tripped. You threw yourself into the object just so you could tell people I did it. Those who perpetrate domestic violence often feel shame and fear of the consequences if their actions are fo