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Showing posts from July, 2020

Shame and Loathing in Domestic Violence

Everyone knows what shame feels like.  And no one likes it. Just the word, shame, alone can be highly charged.  According to the dictionary, shame is defined  as a painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by an awareness of wrong or foolish behavior;  used to reprove someone for something of which they should be ashamed; a regrettable or unfortunate situation or action or a person, action, or situation which brings a loss of respect or honor. Shame is a painful mix of regret, dishonor, and self-loathing.  The feeling comes from someone who feels flawed, inadequate, wrong, bad, unimportant, undeserving, or not good enough.  Shame, however, is not altogether bad. In fact, without it, society would not be able to regulate behaviors to socially acceptable norms. Fear of shame historically keeps society intact as individuals wish to avoid the disapproval of others.  Even when individuals don't feel a personal responsibility for their actions, shame keeps society rules in