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Showing posts from February, 2020

The Roller Coaster of Change: Surviving the Stages

For those of us who have been intentionally doing what it takes to change a habitual behavior in our lives, we know that there are many ebbs and flows, ups and downs, reasons to give up, and reasons to press on. When going through the change process, it is important to know what the different stages of change are, and know how those stages tend to feel. First, let's review the stages of change. Stage 1: Pre-Contemplation: You're dealing with the consequences, but not really caring, or feeling accountable enough to make a real move. It's the "People are talking, but I kinda don't care, kinda not aware" stage. Stage 2: Contemplation: You have not fully accepted that there is an issue; however, you're still not completely convinced or empowered to seek change. Stage 3: Preparation: You have accepted that there is certainly a problem and that the answer is making changes. This is the planning stage. Stage 4: Action: You've initiated c